As a Software Professional, I am regularly engaged in developing commercial applications using a myriad of technologies. Simultaneously, as an Instructor, I am also involved in getting my Students to develop Academic Projects, again using these diverse range of technologies.
Having seen my Students needing a helping hand during their first projects, I am providing some of the projects developed by my Students as well as by me over the years.
However, I am strictly against Plagiarism, and do not want Students to use this website as an easy spot to download projects supposed to be prepared by them as part of their Course requirements. Hence, the website makes available for download only the executable binaries of the projects without their Source Codes. Students can use these binaries to visualize typical requirements of projects, and how should they approach theirs.
Students are welcome to discuss any issues with any project available on this site on the respective project page. They can even request the Source Code of a particular project to be mailed to them by dropping in a mail at: [email protected]. In their mail, they should clearly mention the project’s name together with its url whose Source Code they are requesting, together with (a compelling) explanation as to why they should be provided with the Source Code. Such requests are liable to be rejected (without any reply) if the I feel that they would use the Project for their Academic submissions, rather than using the Code as a basis to develop their own.
Furthermore, all Projects on this site together with their associated Source Code, Binaries and any other files are licensed under Microsoft Public License, unless the license terms of a project are mentioned explicitly on the Project page itself, or with the file(s) available for download for a project. By using/downloading the Projects from this site, you agree to abide by the terms of the License for the particular project you are using/downloading.