Isolating Bootstrap 5.3.3 or later for avoiding conflicts
Recently while working on ItWeb module of Imbibe's flagship ItNet product, I came across an interesting scenario. To display order listing on the back-end, we decided to use the Order Details Bootstrap snippet from Bootdey. Now customers and users of ItNet would know...
Ext JS – Resolving [ERR] Cannot satisfy requirements for “modern”! when building packages
A while ago, I was working on finalising the Acquamarine theme's Modern flavour for our latest offering ExtNuke, trying to package the theme's v1 version for uploading onto ExtNuke, I encountered a strange error when I ran sencha package build. Sencha Cmd v7.6.0.87...
Sql Server – Finding next gap in a numeric column
I was recently tasked with improving the performance of one of our Sql Server Stored Procedures which found and returned next available Profile Number for new Profiles to be created in the application. Although the actual circumstances were considerably more complex,...
Git – Recovering from bare Remote Repository corruptions
So it happened recently that one of our in-house (Windows-based) servers which hosted most of our Git repositories went kaboom!! Upon inspection, it appeared that the power backup supporting the server was malfunctioning which caused abrupt shut-downs of our Windows...
Git – Fixing a botched commit / push to a bare repository
So, heya!! I know I am still taking time in between my posts. Long story short, let's jump to the topic of this blog post 😉 I had my last weekend working with my entire ClientLinq team. We needed to complete a delivery and it appeared everything was progressing as...
PowerShell – Assigning Global variable inside a function does not actually over-write the global one
Assigning a global variable inside a PowerShell function does not actually change the global variable. It rather creates a local variable with the same name.

Debugging redirects in Drupal 8/9
“Venerable” Drupal 7 had drupal_goto for redirecting providing a very convenient hook hook_drupal_goto_alter.
Drupal 8 / 9 – Handling raw file uploads bypassing the Form API (FAPI)
While working with Mart, we had a situation recently where we needed to add file () form fields dynamically in javascript client-side.
ExtJs Modern 6/7 – Making password fields revealable
There are a couple of ways one can create password fields in ExtJs 6/7: Use the textfield component with its inputType set to password: use a passwordfield...
Drupal 8/9 – deleting table rows via ajax
Deletion of Drupal table rows via an Ajax call was never too difficult. You just add a controller callback: organization.person.delete: path: '/person/{person_id}/delete' defaults: _title: 'Delete Person' _controller:...
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